General terms and conditions

Terms of use and participation of the TTI Rewards Program

1 Registration / Participation

1.1 Eligibility to Participate

All employees of TTI, Inc. and of TTI group of companies based in Europe - hereinafter referred to as TTI - are eligible to participate. Employees within the meaning of these terms and conditions are all employees with a temporary or permanent employment contract, internship, or training contract with TTI - hereinafter referred to as Participant. Temporary workers, external companies, service providers or external sales partners (sales representatives) are expressly not eligible.

In order to clearly identify the participants and to be able to communicate with them about the reward program, some personal data is required. At the beginning, each participant will receive an email with an activation link to an email used by TTI.

Surname, first name, personal number, TTI company and cost center are already stored in the TTI Award Shop. During registration, further necessary data will be requested, and this includes, for example, a salutation and delivery address. Regulations regarding the handling of personal data can be viewed under the data protection declaration.

[1] For better readability, only the male designation is used in this document. All people are addressed regardless of their gender

1.2 Requirements for valid participation 

The requirements for participation are a first-time authorization registration by TTI and the participant’s own completion of their personal details, as well as confirmation of the data protection and participation conditions.

1.3 Start of participation

Personal participation begins with the receipt of registration email by TTI.

1.4 Changes to participant data

The participant maintains the personal data – particularly the delivery address - independently in the TTI Award Shop. Data on surname, first name, TTI company, personal number and cost center are maintained by TTI.


2 Composition of points                                                                                                                                       

2.1 General

At the TTI Award Shop, each participant collects reward points. These are credited to the personal points account. The points account is non-transferable and cannot be converted into cash or paid out. Similarly, the participant has no right to use their points alternatively, financially or in time credits.

2.2 Bank statements

Each participant can find out the current status of their points account after registering in the TTI Award Shop at .

2.3 Earning points

Points can be earned in many ways; company anniversaries of 3 years or more, an employee recommendation 'Hire4TTI' , a special occasion or a thank you for a special service. The detailed rules for the awarding of points are determined by TTI and can be changed unilaterally at any time.

Points can be earned from the date of joining TTI. The occasion and crediting of points will be communicated by means of a personal email from TTI and the points value should already be credited to the points account upon receipt of the email. Any complaints must be made within two weeks of receipt of the information; in the event of silence or the deadline being reached, the notified points or account balance is considered approved.

In the case of returned goods, the points will be corrected accordingly.


3 Redeeming the points

3.1 General

Points can be redeemed for rewards as soon as the participant has registered with the TTI Award Shop final and the points account has a corresponding credit balance. The participant can already find out interesting facts about the award offers and the respective required number of points without registration in the TTI Award Shop.

3.2 Reward Requests

The rewards can only be requested by the participants themselves after registration with TTI. The request is made directly via the TTI Award Shop. The TTI Award Shop offers the option of a co-payment. This means that in case of missing points, the product can be purchased with the help of a co-payment via PayPal. The co-payment amount must not exceed 40% of the total value. By choosing a co-payment there will be additional costs for you (PayPal fees & handling costs).

3.3 Reward Conditions

TTI always strives to maintain the availability of the current rewards. Due to events beyond TTI’s control, changes may occur in the rewards presented. However, TTI will always provide a premium product that is at least equivalent in price and function as a replacement. 

3.4 Reward delivery

The reward orders must be placed in the TTI Award Shop. The reward is delivered by the external service provider IPO PremiumServices GmbH commissioned by TTI in Weingarten, Germany and is only carried out to a valid address in the participant's country of residence in Europe.

Rewards cannot be returned or exchanged, except in the case of claims arising from defects.

The premiums are only issued while stocks last. If a reward is no longer available or no longer available in the desired form after the participant has ordered it, IPO PremiumServices GmbH will inform the participant about this. In this case, the points will be credited back to the participant.

Warranty claims due to material defects are subject to a limitation period of one year from handover of the premium to the participant. This does not affect claims for damages due to injury to life, body or health and/or claims for damages due to gross negligence or intentional damage caused by TTI or a legal representative or vicarious agent of TTI as well as claims under the Product Liability Act or other mandatory legal claims. In this respect, the statutory limitation periods apply.

A cash payment of the reward value or transfer to other participants is not possible.

If the participant finds that the delivered premium is defective, they must contact IPO PremiumServices GmbH directly via the contact form or by telephone via +49 7244 600-24.

3.5 Shipping costs

TTI will pay customs and shipping costs for standard shipments to the employee's country of residence. The shipping partner is determined by TTI. In order to allow the total budget of the TTI Award Shop to benefit the participants as much as possible, a minimum order value of 300 points must be observed by the participant. Part deliveries are not planned.

Participants are obliged to cooperate. If a reward shipment is not deliverable due to out-of-date or incomplete data, the participant may be charged any additional costs incurred by TTI in returning or re-sending the shipment. This can also be done by deducting points accordingly.

3.6 Validity of points

Points must be redeemed within 48 months of being credited to the points account. Unredeemed points will be deleted in a timely manner.

Likewise, unredeemed points expire without replacement and without further reminder on the date of the contractual TTI company exit.


4 Abuse of online access

The participant must immediately notify the TTI service team by email at if there is a suspicion that a third party has acquired knowledge of the participant's access data to the TTI Award Shop. TTI shall only be liable for damages resulting from culpably omitted or delayed notification in the event of gross negligence on the part of TTI employees or vicarious agents, considering any negligence on behalf of the participant. Therefore, the participant should not disclose or pass on their TTI Award Shop access data to anyone.


5 Privacy Policy

5.1 General

The personal data associated with the participation will be stored and processed in accordance with the necessity and will be passed on to the service provider commissioned by TTI to the required extent for the TTI Award Shop. An order data agreement including documentation of the technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data has been concluded between TTI and the contracted service provider. On request, TTI will inform the participant at any time whether their personal data is stored or not and exactly which data is stored. All personal data will be deleted after the participant has left the company and at the latest after the end of a one-year warranty period after a possible premium, provided that no legal deadlines prevent the cancellation.

5.2 Data Protection Officer

For any questions regarding data protection at TTI, the participant can contact the Data Protection Officer listed in the Data Protection Policy.


6 Termination

Any participant can cancel their membership in the TTI Award Shop at any time without notice. The cancellation must be in the text form and sent to the email address 


7 Change or termination of action

7.1 General

A change or termination of the TTI Award Shop system will be announced in due time. Premature termination for cause or events beyond TTI's control remains unaffected. TTI reserves the right to terminate the TTI Award Shop system at any time or to replace it with another program.

7.2 Modification of the Terms and Conditions

TTI reserves the right to make changes or additions to the terms and conditions of participation, the rewards, the award scales or any other processes described in the program documents in the TTI Award Shop system at any time. The participant will be notified in text form of any changes or amendments to these Terms and Conditions. A change is considered approved if the participant does not object in text form within one month of the notification being sent. Silence is treated as approval.


8 Other

TTI takes the respective non-cash benefit into account as a monetary advantage for income tax purposes and, if necessary, deducts social security contributions in accordance with the applicable law of the country in which the participant is subject to tax and social security contributions. As far as possible according to the respective legal framework conditions, TTI will try to cover all the necessary costs, so that the participant does not incur any financial burden due to a premium purchase. If this is not possible for TTI, the participant is responsible for any taxation.


9 Law, Place of jurisdiction

German law applies. The place of jurisdiction of TTI, Inc. in Maisach-Gernlinden, Germany applies.